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By: Wannofri Samry
What is press?
Press is a social institution and communiation that do journalistic activities to looking for, getting, having, saving and broadcasting or publishing information in writing, voice, picture(or voice and picture) and data by using printing form, electronic and all kind of publishing form(UU RI No 40 1999).
The press are a pack of jackals. They are so hungry and greedy for a story—any story—that whenever they smell one, they go after without restraint or respect for privacy, rummaging every where, hounding any one, and all without considering whether the story is worth all the poking and rooting.”
Press is a medium to make communication interweaving in society. Communication expert is sure very much that people can’t live without press. All of us depend on press. So one theory of press say that ‘press is powerfull’. Certainly we realize that our mind has been being visited by news of press everyday. You know when you are going to the bad room, some news is playing in your mind, then when you wake up in the morning, the news has voiced in your room. In along time and your days you will discuss about “what is news in this day?”. Some time you can’t process in your mind about the truth of news, you have judged it. Even, some time you will do quarrel with others for a news. This is reality of the powerfull of news.
What is the role of press?
The role of press as addressed in UU RI 40 1999 :
- Serve the society right
- Struggle the democracy, justice, human right and plurality
- Develop the common sense based on good, accurate and true information.
- Watch dog
Underground Press
- “Underground is a sloppy word. ‘Underground’ is meaningless, ambigious, irrelevant, imprecise, undefinitive, uncopyrighted, uncontrollable, and use up…”(Tom Forcade)
- Underground Press has had to create a revolutionary medium that interweaves personal, journalism and activism.
- Their contents are simple, some time narrow and shallow but as like a jackal.
- Much of them write by lurid, subjective and undecipherable. A more sympatic description of their writing would be poetic, personal, frank, free form and, above all, creative. They attack establishment.
In Indonesian history underground press had played the important role, at least we can see since 1900’s. These press were printed by Indo-european, Chinese, Arabian, and indigeneous people(Malay). Slogan “Merdeka” was provoke in the early years by “Indonesia Merdeka”(1924), that published by Indische Vereeniging/ then Indonesische Vereeniging (association of Indonesian’s Students in Netherland. This word replaced “Hindia Poetra” as common name for native land.
Some of press in the early time are Selompret Melajoe(1860), Soerat Kabar Berbahasa Melajoe(1856), Medan Prijaji(1907), Sin Po, Insulinde, Bintang Timor(1860), Bianglala(1867), Adil, ……
In West Sumatra they were published as like, Pelita Ketjil(1886), Warta Berita(1895) Pertja Barat(1890), Soenting Melajoe(1912), Oetoesan Melajoe(1911), Radio, Tjahaya Sumatra(1897), Soera Perempoean(1918), Medan Rakjat(1931), Sinar Sumatra(1934), Djago-Djago,….also Soeara Koto Gadang (may be more than 100 news paper?). As Long the time of Indonesian movement Indonesian , journalist played their roles as struggler, fighter and hero. Their activities were done in pressure of Dutch Colonial Government. Some of them sent to jail such as to Digul.
How is women Journalist movement? Some newspaper were edited by women as like Soenting Melajoe, Soera Perempoean,Asjraq, Keoetamaan Istri Minangkabau, Menara Poetri, (Medan)…Some of press that support by Indo-European also gave opportunity or spaces to discusss about women movement. As noted, history of women’s journalistic activities have been lost from our memory and our book.
We can compare women movement in this time and before. Now, the women movement is feminist oriented but in past time refer to nationalism. Now, west Sumatra as sample have some women journalist but no one of them found a newspaper. My notes, never woman lead press institution or association in west Sumatra.
In Our Reformation
Underground Press support Indonesian’s reformation in some level. These press were founded by NGO, politician and student. The content, form and aim of the underground press different from the main press. As I saw, the underground press were waited and hounding by their subscriber every day . Some of the press’ name are Bergerak, X-Post, Kabar dari Fijar, Suara Independent, Siar, Gugat,Reformasi, KdP,Majalah Balairung …..Some of them circulation about 200-500 thousand sheet per day. Detik as alternative press achieved 500.0000 copies after be banned( Datum of Victor Manayang cs, 2001).
The end of these words I want to quote Soekarno’s speech in 11-4 -1933:”No the struggling of freedom didn’t use counseling, propaganda and agitation by press”.
Thank you.
PDU-UKM, Bangi Malaysia, January 4th , 2009.
Note: Not cite!
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